Blog Archives

Day 5

Nothing for day 4, so now it’s day 5. I missed the fedex dropoff, they came at 11am, as if someone would be home then. They left the door slip to sign and they’ll leave it tomorrow if nobody is

Posted in New Computer

Day 3

Not a whole lot new today. My packages from shipped. There are two packages, presumably one is the case, and one is everything else. They left CA on July 26, 12:02pm, and are currently being held in Indianapolis, IN

Posted in New Computer

Day 2

Today I went to CompUSA very briefly, and got the video card. We didn’t waste any time in the store, just went to the case, said we wanted it, paid, and got out. There’s no reason to stay in there

Posted in Life, New Computer

Step 1, Spend $2k

Well, I’ve finally decided to put my months of browsing computer parts to use, and ordered everything needed to build my next computer. I had hoped to be able to build 2 at the same time, so that Sabrina and

Posted in Life, New Computer

NOW I’m done.

I turned in my final papers and exams friday and saturday, so I’m done with school for the summer. I’m already bored, wondering what to do since I don’t have to rush around doing school work. I’m sure it won’t

Posted in Life, School

Almost done!

I’m almost done with my third quarter at Strayer. I’ve turned in one final, and have 2 more to go. One is an essay for humanities, which is due Saturday, I’ll have to pick a topic soon. I’m not impressed

Posted in Life, School

Week 1 Journal 3

I wonder if I’ll have to do 3 entries every week. If I do then I’m going to be hard pressed to come up with that many topics. There are 10 weeks in the class, so that’d be 30 entries.

Posted in ENG102

Week 1 Journal 2

One down 2 to go. I really should have done my entries spread out over the week, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it earlier in the week. My first entry was about work. What should the second

Posted in ENG102

Week 1 Journal 1

It’s difficult to pick topics to write about in a journal, especially when you are doing it on command. It seems like writing journal entries should be something you do because you feel the need to express yourself. I’ll try

Posted in ENG102

Why the Humanities?

The first assignment for the humanities class I am taking was to write three paragraphs explaining: Why you are taking this course What you are bringing to this course What you hope to get out of it This was harder

Posted in HUM101