Monthly Archives: August 2003

Hi Ho, Hi Ho..

We’re moving along on the job for TransAmerica, but it’s slow going. I’ve done 18/20 of the files that were from one section, but there are still alot of the other set left to do. There were almost 50 of

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Life in the fast lane

I got the last book for my classes this fall. It’s a book on C++ programming, and its used for 3 different classes, so at least I get my money’s worth. I’m looking forward to the class, I’ve wanted to

Posted in Life

Work work work

I didn’t mention it yesterday, but Kelly called (yes, again) and wanted us to work at Moore today and tomorrow. So we got up bright and early and worked from 6:30am to 2:30pm today, and we’re going to work 7-3pm

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Guess what Kelly said?

So Kelly calls this morning, and surprise surprise, the job I’m doing isn’t starting thursday. Apparently the person bringing the stuff that we are supposed to be copying is flying in, and won’t be in until this weekend, so we

Posted in Life

School Book Day

I got one of my books for my fall classes at Strayer today. I ordered two from Strayer’s online bookstore, and am getting the other one from Amazon. Amazon didn’t have the other 2 or I would’ve gotten all 3

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Kelly, Take 2

Well, I went to Kelly to take my evaluation exams for MS Office applications today. They went pretty well, about what I expected. Actually, they were easier than I thought they would be. I think the scoring had 3 levels

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No surprise from Kelly

Well, I went to Kelly today to do paperwork for the job I thought I was going to be doing for them, and found out that I couldn’t do it. The company is located at the airport and security is

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Happy Birthday To Me

Today’s my birthday. We’re going out for dinner, but otherwise don’t have any plans. Sabrina is working until 4:30, and we’ll probably go to Outback for dinner when she gets home. Too bad we’re still on the atkin’s diet, we

Posted in Events, Life

First Eastport Picture

Here’s a picture from Eastport. It was taken at a scenic turnoff that has public boat access. It also has some picnic tables and a small dock. We stopped and took a few pictures on the way to see the

Posted in Eastport Pictures

And now for the News

We’re back from our trip to Maine, and have been for a little while now. We had a good time. We didn’t leave CT until almost 2pm, so we got a pretty late start. We stopped a couple times, but

Posted in Events, Life