Monthly Archives: September 2003

Back to Work

Time flies, seems like I just wrote in here, but I guess I didn’t. I’ve been working at Moore each weekend since I wrote last. Mostly I’ve been doing the manifesting, which is slightly more exciting than stuffing envelopes. We’re

Posted in Life


If anyone is interested in being notifed via email when I actually get around to posting on here, let me know. I can set it up to automatically email whenever I add a post. Either email me, or post a

Posted in Life

School’s out, work’s in

My class finished on sunday, and I ended up with a 98.6 average. Not too bad, but I had hoped to have a perfect score on my final, in which case I would’ve rounded up to a 100 average 🙂

Posted in Life

From one job to another

Finally finished the job at TransAmerica. It was somewhat interesting, but after a while doing nothing but make copies gets pretty dull. We ended up doing close to 100,000 copies total, in a little under 12 days. We finished around

Posted in Life