The last couple days has

The last couple days has mainly consisted of eating Easter candy. We
had chocolate of various sorts, ham, and hard boiled eggs. I certainly
enjoyed it. The ham was really good, it was Corando, which was on sale
this week in honor of Easter. We decorated the eggs Easter night, then
started right in eating them. I had one with dinner tonight, with
leftover ham, and also some leftover sausage from grilling the other
night. We also had our egg hunt sunday afternoon, and got a bunch of
candy out of that. Sabrina gave me a basket with some Mounds eggs
(chocolate covered coconut) which are very good, and also a giant
hollow chocolate egg from Nestle, which is made out of the same
chocolate as a Crunch bar, complete with the crispy bits, filled with
wrapped up mini-crunch bars. I ate about half of it today. I dont want
to think of how many calories of junk food I have had the last couple
days, but I’m still counting it in my holiday break, and pretending
I’ll go back to my diet after I finish the candy.

We’re planning to try to bring one of the stray cats we’ve been
feeding to a shelter. It got in a fight, or had an accident of some
sort, and there’s a chunk of fur missing from it’s head, and a pretty
deep open wound. There’s a no-kill shelter that Sabrina called and said
they would take it. We still have to catch it though, at a time when we
can bring it to the vet that the shelter said to go to. So of course
today it didn’t come by at all during the day. We saw it around 10
tonight and gave it some food. Hopefully it’ll be by again tomorrow
during the day. It’s a very friendly cat, and will come up to us to be
pet and roll around on the ground in front of us, so we’re pretty sure
we can get it into a carrier. None of the other cats are really willing
to let us touch them, so it’s very unlikely we could bring them
anywhere. If one of them is going to be injured, its good in a way it
was that one since we can take care of it better than the others. I’m
pretty sure someone will adopt it since it is so friendly. It’s a good
enough looking cat, and probably belonged to someone at some point and
was abandoned for some reason. It’s too willing to come to us to have
been born wild. In any case, hopefully we’ll get it to the vet

Posted in Life