Very slow day today. About

Very slow day today. About the only thing of interest was that I
went to the track again. I think I’ll go tomorrow too, but don’t know
for sure yet. I did pretty good, I went 5 miles in a little less than
an hour. 3 miles of that is all jogging, and the rest is walking.
Walking on the track is far superior to using a treadmill. There wasn’t
anyone there today when I got there, and only one person came right
before I left. It’s the least crowded I have seen it so far. I thought
there would be a bunch of people since it was so nice, but maybe it was
too early. I got there around 3pm or so I think, maybe a little later.
The weather has been really nice lately too, it was about 60 today, and
a bit of a breeze. It’ll be about the same tomorrow I think, so that’ll
be good.

Posted in Life