One of the stray cats

One of the stray cats has a kitten now. It’s really cute. You would
think that there would have been more than one, but as far as we know
there aren’t any others. It is clearly not a new baby, it must be
several weeks old. It explains why she’s been so hungry lately, and so
tired all the time. We were worried about it. We’d like to adopt it,
but still don’t really dare bring any other cats in the house, since we
don’t know how Bud would react. He’s been an only cat for his entire
life, and it might not be a good idea to bring a stray into the house.
They’re hard enough to take care of to begin with without another cat
being jealous all the time.

Not much else new. The garden is still growing every day. The
radishes are definately the best growing plants I have. The lettuce is
generally doing well, but the bibb isn’t doing great. I think I planted
way too many seeds, there are quite a few plants, but there are a lot
of clumps, rather than being spread out, and I think they’re crowding
eachother. They’re still too small to thin out easily though, so I’m
not sure what to do with them. The cucumbers are growing, but slowly. I
don’t think its really a problem, they seem healthy enough. They just
take a long time to grow.

Posted in Life