And now for the News

We’re back from our trip to Maine, and have been for a little while now. We had a good time. We didn’t leave CT until almost 2pm, so we got a pretty late start. We stopped a couple times, but not for long. I don’t remember when we got there, but it was pretty late. When we got there, we went to the hotel and checked in. We were staying at the Country Inn at the Mall. We’ve stayed there before, and always like it. They have a good free continental breakfast, but with our diet we couldn’t take advantage of it this time. You can get a 10% discount for asking for the Internet Discount, so that’s nice too.

After we checked in we went to see my father. We had chicken and salad and at around talking after. It wasn’t a very long visit since we got there so late, but it was nice. We only got to see him the one night because he was going to see my sister the next night.

The next day we went to the Bangor State Fair. We didn’t do any rides, and didn’t get to eat the fun food, so it wasn’t as exciting as it sometimes is, but that’s ok. We saw the exhibits and walked around. We did eat some sausage and peppers, which were good. And I won a stuffed dog playing one of the games, so that was a bonus. I didn’t think I’d win at all, so it was a surprise to me. I thought Sabrina was ahead of me, but apparently not.

We also went to the City Forest which was right next to the hotel. It’s a new set of nature trails that go around a bog out by the Bangor Mall. It was really nice. They have a new boardwalk that hadn’t even had its grand opening yet when we went. We’ve got a bunch of pictures from it (mostly of the signs along the way). I got a sunburn on my neck because it was very sunny, but otherwise it was really nice.

We went to Eastport too, to see my mother. We were there much longer, but didn’t really do a whole lot except sit around and enjoy the scenery. It was nice to go though, and we got to see my mother’s new house. She has a view of the ocean again, from several parts of the house. The downstairs of the house is really open, it’s basically just 2 huge rooms, so that’s nice too. It was cool to go see the eagles nearby too. There are 3 mated pairs that live about half an hour away, right off a major road. It’s strange to see them in their nests on giant poles right off the road. There’s a little viewing platform to watch from with a free telescope, so you can see pretty well. I don’t really need to repeat everything that we did there I suppose, you can read about it on Sabrina’s blog.

The trip back was pretty quick. We ended up staying at the hotel in Bangor the night before we left. I was planning to just come back to CT from Eastport, but it’s a really long drive, and it was supposed to be bad weather. We went to Bangor the night before so that we could get an earlier start the next day. We had also wanted to stop at the newSuper Walmart to get a few things for the trip back. They had some low carb icecream and we wanted to try it. We haven’t seen it anywhere else, and it was pretty cheap. We got vanilla and chocolate with almonds, and both were really good. It’s really good for the Atkin’s diet if you are on it.

So now we’re home, and Sabrina’s back at work. I turned in my midterm for my class at Strayer before we left, and got 100% on it. So far I have a 100 average for the class. It’s pretty easy, so far. We’ll see how it goes in the fall when I take 3 classes. I’m a week ahead in the class right now, and have been trying to stay a little ahead. I assume the rest of the class will be much like it has been. There have been a few problems because I’m using a newer version of Access than the class is for, but I’ve figured out what was different. So far so good.

Posted in Events, Life