School’s out, work’s in

My class finished on sunday, and I ended up with a 98.6 average. Not too bad, but I had hoped to have a perfect score on my final, in which case I would’ve rounded up to a 100 average 🙂 That’s ok though. I don’t know what I missed on the final, he didn’t post any comments, just the grade. I probably won’t ever know, but it doesn’t really matter, I probably just missed something in the directions rather than getting anything wrong. My next round of classes starts on monday, and that’ll take quite a bit more work than the single class I just finished. Hopefully they’ll go ok. I’m looking forward to seeing what the setup is for them, they’re not always the same as far as what is required and what assignments will be.

Today was the first day of the second week at Moore. It was pretty uninteresting, and much like it always is. We stuffed verizon bills for a few hours, then started doing the Manifesting for what was done. We were there until 3 instead of 2:30, then had to wait for a cab to pick us up to bring us home, since all the cars were in use for a change. Usually we can work something out for rides, but we couldn’t today. As it turned out, everyone beat us home so we could’ve gotten a ride afterall. Figures 🙂 We might need to take the cab again tomorrow but I’m not sure.

Last week we sorta got a promotion at Moore. We started helping with the Manifesting for the stuff being sent out, and its considered a higher-skilled job or something, so we should start getting another $.50/hr. Yeehaw. Better than nothing, but not a huge amount of money either. All it is is going through the stuff that is done and bundling it for the mail. It gets grouped according to zip code or some such, wrapped in rubber bands, then put in the post office plastic crates. There’s a list with each job that says which goes in each bin, so it isn’t exactly hard. You just have to make sure everything is there and in the correct sequence, or it’s a pain to follow the list. In theory everyone would be doing that as they go, but clearly some people don’t pay much attention. Frequently the address isn’t showing at all, or there are 2 in an envelope so one is missing, etc, and we have to fix them as we go. Overall it’s a pretty easy job, but we end up standing up to do that rather than sitting for the envelope stuffing 🙂 I don’t mind though, and working 3 days/week works for me.

Posted in Life