Why the Humanities?

The first assignment for the humanities class I am taking was to write three paragraphs explaining:

  1. Why you are taking this course
  2. What you are bringing to this course
  3. What you hope to get out of it

This was harder than I would have thought, mostly because it is difficult to come up with what I was bringing to the class. It’s also hard to expand on the questions for more than a sentence or two. I’ve never been particularly verbose, so it’s hard to fill out a paragraph on simple ideas.

In any case, it’s the first assignment to turn in, so hopefully there will be some reasonable feedback for future assignments. It’s difficult to know what the professor expects ahead of time, which is part of why the assignment was made to begin with. The professor wanted to evaluate everyone’s writing, and give some feedback.

Understanding past cultures and how they expressed themselves through art encourages an understanding of your own culture and its historical context. Without this context it is difficult to be truly creative and innovative because you have not been exposed to what has already been done. It doesn

Posted in HUM101