GDFPOS Computer

We went to the movies Friday night and when I came home the computer was dead. It would try to turn on, but either turn itself off before it booted up, or go part way through the bios tests and then give an error.

So I got to spend all of Saturday trying to find out what was wrong with it, which appears to be that the motherboard itself croaked. I’ve only had it 7 months or so, it should have lasted for years. I got a new motherboard from CompUSA though, and it works again. Of course, it took two trips to CompUSA because I forgot on the first trip that I would have to take the heatsink off the processor to install it and needed new thermal paste to go with it. I finally finished playing with it around 11pm.

Luckily the RAID was intact on the hard drives, so I didn’t have to reinstall windows and all my programs. I would have been very upset if I had lost all my data. As it is, the day I usually set aside for doing school work was completely taken up working on that. I could do most of my school stuff on the other computer, but it is easier to use this one. At least it works.

Posted in New Computer