It’s been a slow week.

It’s been a slow week. It rained quite a bit over the weekend
though, and now I’ve got a bunch of sprouts in the garden. The rows are
really full now. The cucumbers are the only things that haven’t
sprouted now. There may be one sprout so far, but it’s hard to tell for
sure. By the end of the week it should be going pretty well though.
Pretty soon I’ll have to start thining it out. I’m not really looking
forward to that, but it won’t be too bad.

We all went to the track yesterday to do laps. It’s only the second
time we’ve gone down, but it was another nice day so we decided to go.
It’s very different to run on a nice track, compared to a treadmill.
It’s hard to tell how fast you are going on the treadmill too, since
they are never really calibrated correctly. I measured about 1mph
faster on the track than the treadmill, and felt like I was doing less
work. Having a breeze helps too, you don’t get tired quite as quickly.
Overall its nice to go to the track, but you never know until you get
there if there will be a bunch of people, or the school using it or

Posted in Life