Monthly Archives: July 2003

The Atkin’s diet is going

The Atkin’s diet is going ok so far. I’ve lost 3-4 pounds since Thursday or so. I didn’t really pay attention to what I weighed when I started, so I’m not sure exactly how much I’ve lost. It isn’t too

Posted in Life

Decided to start trying the

Decided to start trying the Atkins diet today. Sabrina started a couple days ago, so we might as well do it together. It takes around 3 days to purge your body of stored sugar and carbs, and after that you

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I did my second week’s

I did my second week’s class today finally. It had to be done by sunday, so I had to finish by tomorrow. I also did most of the stuff for next week as long as I was at it. I’ll

Posted in Life

I did the rest of

I did the rest of the stuff for my class today. I started it on Monday when the first class became available. There was a slideshow with sound to watch talking about the first chapter of the text book, and

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