Yearly Archives: 2003

Happy Holidays

I always mean to post more often, but just don’t take the time to do it. It’s hard when working full time and going to school full time. I’m on break from school right now, waiting for the next semester

Posted in Life

Home Sweet Home

We’re back from Maine. We were gone for about a week, and went to see my father in Bangor, and my mother in Eastport. It took about 6 hours to drive there and 7 back, which isn’t too bad. We

Posted in Life

Work work work

I’ve been busy the last couple weeks. The quarter end at Moore made for some long weeks. Last week I worked 50 hours, and the week before I worked 72. This week will be back to normal, relatively speaking. Apparently

Posted in Life

Back to Work

Time flies, seems like I just wrote in here, but I guess I didn’t. I’ve been working at Moore each weekend since I wrote last. Mostly I’ve been doing the manifesting, which is slightly more exciting than stuffing envelopes. We’re

Posted in Life


If anyone is interested in being notifed via email when I actually get around to posting on here, let me know. I can set it up to automatically email whenever I add a post. Either email me, or post a

Posted in Life

School’s out, work’s in

My class finished on sunday, and I ended up with a 98.6 average. Not too bad, but I had hoped to have a perfect score on my final, in which case I would’ve rounded up to a 100 average 🙂

Posted in Life

From one job to another

Finally finished the job at TransAmerica. It was somewhat interesting, but after a while doing nothing but make copies gets pretty dull. We ended up doing close to 100,000 copies total, in a little under 12 days. We finished around

Posted in Life

Hi Ho, Hi Ho..

We’re moving along on the job for TransAmerica, but it’s slow going. I’ve done 18/20 of the files that were from one section, but there are still alot of the other set left to do. There were almost 50 of

Posted in Uncategorized

Life in the fast lane

I got the last book for my classes this fall. It’s a book on C++ programming, and its used for 3 different classes, so at least I get my money’s worth. I’m looking forward to the class, I’ve wanted to

Posted in Life

Work work work

I didn’t mention it yesterday, but Kelly called (yes, again) and wanted us to work at Moore today and tomorrow. So we got up bright and early and worked from 6:30am to 2:30pm today, and we’re going to work 7-3pm

Posted in Life