From one job to another

Finally finished the job at TransAmerica. It was somewhat interesting, but after a while doing nothing but make copies gets pretty dull. We ended up doing close to 100,000 copies total, in a little under 12 days. We finished around 1pm on tuesday and then had just a few loose ends to copy after that, and were out at about 2:45 or so. It was a nice enough place to work, but tiring to stand all day and make small motions. It took a fair amount of concentration too, to make sure that you got the originals and copies exactly the same, including staples, paperclips, folders, etc. I won’t really miss it, but it was nice to not have to be there until 9am too.

On the way out after we finished, we stopped in Kelly’s office to turn in our time sheets, and they asked if we could work at Moore again this weekend. I said I couldn’t today, but was free friday and saturday, but they said at first that they just wanted all 3 days. So Sabrina’s father did it today, and while he was there they said that if I wanted to work friday and saturday I could. I guess I will, although I was looking forward to having the weekend off. Not that I’m doing anything the rest of the week, but that’s not the point 🙂

Apparently Moore decided to try to keep temps going all the time, with two teams, the highly original A and B teams. Team A is working monday, tuesday, and wednesday, and Team B is working thursday, friday, and saturday, and both teams work 1 sunday/month. Kelly asked if we could both do team B for the rest of the month, so we will. The first week of October or so is the quarter end for Moore, and we’ll be there for another 2 week or whatever of non-stop work like we did at the end of last quarter. They send out the quarterly statements for several investment companies and have to have the extra help to get it all done on time, so they have over 100 temps come in just for those couple weeks to work, then send everyone back home. After that, in theory, we’ll go back to being the B Team and working 3 days/week.

It works out fairly well for me, since I’ll be starting the next quarter at Strayer on September 22nd. I’ll have 3 days of work, and 4 days to do my classes each week. Plus we’ll be done at Moore by 2 or so each day (except for the quarter end) and so I’ll have most of the days then too if I need them for something. The thing I’m vaguely worried about is that saying that I’ll do this on an on-going basis may mean they won’t give me other jobs that would pay better. Moore isn’t exactly known for being reliable, some weeks I may work 3 full days, and others it may be just 1 or 2 or none. I don’t like being tied to being essentially on-call 3 days/week and also prevented from taking better jobs. If they offered more money, that’d be different, but I’d rather take better paying jobs less frequently and do some different stuff, and hopefully stuff more interesting, than stuff envelopes for crap money with no commitment by them. I may talk to the people at Kelly and see what they have to say, I don’t know if I’ll be excluded from other job offers because of this or not, but would like to know before I do it too long. It’ll be good through the quarter end job, but after that I may not want to do it.

Posted in Life