Monthly Archives: June 2003

We went out biking again

We went out biking again today. I’ve gone pretty much every day since I got my new bike, and most day’s both Sabrina and I have gone for at least a little while. We went out to a reservoir today

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Well I bought a new

Well I bought a new bike today. It’s a Trek 7500. I had originally been looking at the Trek 7200, then decided I’d really like the 7500fx, which is a fitness model. I am planning to ride mostly for exercise,

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Not much new here. I

Not much new here. I picked more radishes from the garden, Sabrina’s father has been eating the greens. Some of the radishes have been nice, and others are really scrawny. I’ll be surprised if they get any better after this,

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Well, we’ve been back a

Well, we’ve been back a few days now, I just haven’t taken the time to write an update. The trip to St Paul went pretty smoothly, except for when we actually got there and the directions I had for the

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