Not much new here. I

Not much new here. I picked more radishes from the garden, Sabrina’s
father has been eating the greens. Some of the radishes have been nice,
and others are really scrawny. I’ll be surprised if they get any better
after this, they’ve been in there for quite a while, and I doubt
they’ll grow much more even now that it has thinned out some.

Monday Sabrina and I had a picnic up the street at a little
semi-park where there is a historical marker. There are a couple
benches and a picnic table looking over a big field. It was a nice
enough spot. I found it while I was out jogging one day. Sabrina made
lunch and brought it up when I finished my run. She made sandwiches
and macaroni salad, and we also had some cherry’s for dessert. She used
some of the lettuce from my garden in the sandwich too, so that was
nice. It’s the first bit of it that we’ve tried. We saw a deer out in
the middle of the field a bit before we left. It was too far away to
see well, but it was there. I saw one yesterday when I was out jogging
too, it crossed the street a ways ahead of me. And we saw one on the
way back from dinner tonight at the side of the road. It’s been a big
week for wildlife I guess.

Only a couple weeks left until I start my glass at Strayer.
Hopefully it’ll go ok. I’ve read the first 3 or 4 sections of the text
book, and it seems ok. It’s a little bit basic, but it has good enough
examples and does things in an ok order for learning. It’s pretty much
all a giant case-study, which is pretty much the only usefull way to
learn a database. It just seems corny when you are reading it.

Posted in Life