Monthly Archives: April 2003

We wento to the Mohegan

We wento to the Mohegan Sun casino yesterday. We didn’t leave here until after 3pm, and it’s about an hour to get there, so it was a bit of a late start. We didn’t leave until around 11pm. I’ve never

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It’s been a slow week.

It’s been a slow week. It rained quite a bit over the weekend though, and now I’ve got a bunch of sprouts in the garden. The rows are really full now. The cucumbers are the only things that haven’t sprouted

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Not much new today. I

Not much new today. I checked my garden and there’s already one sprout from a radish. I don’t see signs of anything else, but that’s pretty quick, considering its less than a week since I planted. I also helped sabrina

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The last couple days has

The last couple days has mainly consisted of eating Easter candy. We had chocolate of various sorts, ham, and hard boiled eggs. I certainly enjoyed it. The ham was really good, it was Corando, which was on sale this week

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Happy Easter Today was a

Happy Easter Today was a slow day. We dug out where Sabrina is going to put more plants in her garden. She has a plot in front of the house, next to the driveway. She has some seeds that she

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The garden is finally done.

The garden is finally done. Well, mostly done, there’s still some leftover dirt that has to be cleaned up, and a big pile of rocks that has to go somewhere, but the garden itself is finished. Yesterday we put in

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I didn’t get as much

I didn’t get as much done on the garden as I had hoped I would, but it’s still going ok. I got around half the dirt put back in the hole, along with the straw lining underneith, and have the

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The last couple days have

The last couple days have been pretty busy. It took both days to dig out the hole, and tomorrow we’re going to spend the day filling it back in. It’s amazing how rocky the ground is here. Not only are

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We went to two different

We went to two different Home Depot’s today, but didn’t end up with much to show for it. I got a pair of gloves to wear while working on the garden, and also 3 plastic pots for my cucumbers. I

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Not much to talk about

Not much to talk about today. We bought some stuff for the forthcoming vegetable garden. We got a combination hoe and cultivator, with an extendable handle, which is pretty cool, and we also got some trellis type things that will

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