We went to two different

We went to two different Home Depot’s today, but didn’t end up with
much to show for it. I got a pair of gloves to wear while working on
the garden, and also 3 plastic pots for my cucumbers. I was hoping to
get some edging for the garden, but couldn’t find anything that I
liked, and was inexpensive. It was rather disappointing. We also didn’t
get the soil and manure yet, because it was somewhat out of reach, and
we didn’t feel like finding someone to drag it down for us so close to
closing. We were hoping it could all be delivered, since carrying 320
pounds of dirt and manure isn’t our idea of a great time, but it costs
$50 even just bringing it across town, so we’ll have to do it
ourselves. It won’t be a big deal, but won’t be a great time either.

So tomorrow, I guess we’ll make one trip to get the dirt and stuff,
and another trip to pickup the tiller. I still have to stake out where
I’m going to put the garden, but hopefully that won’t take too long. I
never did find any stakes that I liked so I’ll probably end up just
using some thick sticks from the yard. There are plenty of them around,
I just have to sharpen an end and stick them in the ground. I’m sure it
won’t be that easy, since nothing ever is, but one can hope.

The rain did stop when it was supposed to, so it was a pretty nice
afternoon. It’s pretty soggy out, but it was relatively warm. It should
be about the same tomorrow, so that’s good. It won’t be so warm that
we’ll be broiling outside while working, but won’t be cold either. The
ground should be fairly soft after the rain and warm, so that’ll make
things easier too. Hopefully things will go more smoothly tomorrow than

Posted in Life