Not much to talk about

Not much to talk about today. We bought some stuff for the
forthcoming vegetable garden. We got a combination hoe and cultivator,
with an extendable handle, which is pretty cool, and we also got some
trellis type things that will go in the cucumber pots. We still need
to buy pots, and some soil and fertilizer, but we’re planning to do
that tomorrow. And then on sunday we’re going to rent a honda tiller
from Home Depot to clear the land for my garden, and the herb garden
sabrina is making. It’s too bad that we don’t have more land to do,
because it would make it really easy. We don’t really need a giant
garden though.

I’ve got a little diagram for how big my garden will be, and how I’m
going to divide it. Once it stops raining I’ll stake it out so I can
see what it’ll look like, and where I have to run the tiller. That’ll
probably end up being on sunday, since it is supposed to rain part of
tomorrow, and we have more shopping to do, which will take most of the
day anyway. I have to decide what I am going to put around it too. I
need some sort of edging for it, or something similar. I don’t want my
new soil to get washed away, and I don’t want grass to grow into it any
more than necessary. The less I have to weed it the better.

I can’t decide if I want to plant everything at once, or do a little
each week so I have stuff ripen at different times. It’d be nice to
make it last longer, but at the same time the garden is so small it
seems silly to plant it over time. I’ll have to decide by monday or
tuesday, whichever I end up planting the seeds.

I hope it all goes well. We’ll have to take pictures of the construction as we go.

Posted in Life