The last couple days have

The last couple days have been pretty busy. It took both days to dig
out the hole, and tomorrow we’re going to spend the day filling it back
in. It’s amazing how rocky the ground is here. Not only are there alot
of huge rocks, but there are hundreds of little ones. It looks like it
could be fill from when the house was built, or the addition was built,
and then buried later. We managed to get the bigger rocks out of it as
we went, and we’ll try to get some of the smaller ones out as we put it
back in. It’s just as well that we didn’t get the tiller, it’d probably
break trying to crush through the giant rocks here.

Our current plan is to fill in a fair amount of the dirt we dug up,
on top of a layer of straw (which we’ve had since last summer when we
got it for cat beds). Then we’ll put down a layer of the new soil we
got, and mix it together with the rake, then more of the old soil, and
the new soil again, then later on put on the fertilizer, and more straw
once the seeds are planted and growing a bit. That way the seeds will
have nice soil to grow in, and we can cut down on the weeds with the
straw. The edging will go in before the last of the old and new soil,
so we can bury it as we go rather than dig a new trench after we fill
it in. We’ll probably have to buy a couple more bags of soil to get a
good mix, we only have 3 bags right now, and that won’t spread far. I
don’t want to end up with a big hump of soil in the yard either though.

I’m pretty happy with how it’s going overall. It’s been hard work to
dig the big hole (it’s over a foot deep, and 8 feet by 4 feet now).
There are two giant piles of dirt on tarps, and another pile of rocks,
to show for it. We took a couple more pictures today so everyone can
see our progress. Hopefully it’ll grow well and we’ll have nice
vegitables later this summer.

In other news, we tried a new Chinese buffet tonight. Royal Buffet,
in Enfield. It’s about half an hour away, but it was really good.
Someone had told us it was good and we wanted to try it out. It’s only
$10.95 for dinner, and $1 for soda. It’s got 6 buffet tables of food, 2
of which are almost all dessert items. There’s a bunch of seafood,
which doesn’t do much for me, but it was good if you like that kind of
thing. The usual Chinese items were all there, like Mongolian Beef,
Chicken Teriaki, General Tso’s Chicken, fried rice, white rice, wonton
soup, hot and sour soup, etc etc. There’s over 130 items every day.
Plus they have a sushi bar, and a Mongolian bbq style thing, where you
pick out your raw ingredients and they stir-fry it on the spot for you.
We didn’t bother with that since there was enough else to eat, but it’s
nice to have if you want it. I’ve never been good at picking good
spices to go with my food, so I don’t enjoy it as much as the prepared
foods. The food was all really good, and they had a great selection.
They even had self-serve prime-rib if you want it. For the price it was
really good, and would be a bargain even if it cost more. Lunch is
served ’till 3pm, and is only $6. We’ll definately go back again

Posted in Life