I didn’t get as much

I didn’t get as much done on the garden as I had hoped I would, but
it’s still going ok. I got around half the dirt put back in the hole,
along with the straw lining underneith, and have the edging laid out
where I want it. I still have to level off the ground under the edging
and make it match up right, and then shore it up with more dirt, but
the edging will be done after that.

We did go buy more soil, got 3 more bags, because the 3 I had barely
made one layer in the hole. Once the new dirt was in (the first layer),
we put more of the old stuff in to make it high enough for the edging.
I still have to put in the rest of the dirt, and the new dirt, and the
manure, once the edging is completely in place. We’ll hopefully finish
that tomorrow, and plant on Friday. I had hoped to be done today except
for the planting because the weather was supposed to be bad tonight and
tomorrow, but it ended up that it will be ok afterall, so I wasn’t
worried about it. It was much hotter than forcast today, so we didn’t
want to work too hard, and didn’t start until around 4pm. We shopped
first, then worked on the garden after. It was much better once we got
back, and had started to get breezy, so it was almost pleasant again.
It’s much easier to put the dirt back in, than it was to take it out,
but still not something to do when it is 80.

So far I’m pretty pleased with it. It looks good, and the soil we
got is really nice. Very black and organic. We didn’t take any pictures
today, but will take more once the edging is in, and then more again
when it is finished.

Posted in Life