Happy Easter Today was a

Happy Easter

Today was a slow day. We dug out where Sabrina is going to put more
plants in her garden. She has a plot in front of the house, next to the
driveway. She has some seeds that she is going to put in the new area,
the old garden had herbs that had already been started and she
replanted. We’re looking for some edging that will fit in there, but
its hard because it is an odd shape and size. Once we do, we’ll plant
the seeds for more herbs.

We also tried out a new-ish icecream place on the way home from Home
Depot today. It’s right along the main road, and was open last summer,
but we never went. The place is a big farm, that sells plants and
flowers, and added icecream last year. They don’t make their own
icecream, but its a nice addition. It’s pretty popular; there were
always people there last summer, and there were quite a few there
tonight, even though it wasn’t really warm when we went. I got a sundae
with Reece’s Nightmare icecream, which is pretty much chocolate and
peanutbutter, and also had the little Reece’s candy (that looks like
M&Ms) on it for a topping, and hot fudge, whipped cream, and a
cherry. Sabrina got a sundae with coconut icecream, pistachio icecream,
mashmallow topping, whipped cream, and no cherry. It was a pretty big
sundae, even though it was the “regular” size, they have a bigger one
too. We both liked it alot. I’m sure we’ll go again later this sujmmer.

I grilled for dinner again tonight. I made hotdogs, sausage (2
packs), 6 turkey burgers, and two packs of kielbasa. It took a while,
and we have a bunch of leftovers, but it came out really well. We’ll
eat the rest on monday most likely. I enjoy grilling, and am getting
better at it. For the most part things don’t get too singed. It can be
hard with the grill we have because there’s a hole in the burner so
there’s a giant flame in the middle where the propane is escaping, then
the side the propane is supposed to go to doesn’t generate much heat.
I’m used to it now, and work around it. We’re thinking about getting a
new burner for it. You can get it at Wal-Mart for only $13 or so, which
is much better than buying a new grill. I’m not completely sure the one
they have will work with the grill we have here, but its worth a try.

For Easter festivities, we made hard-boiled eggs, but haven’t
decorated them yet. We’ll make egg salad, and probably deviled eggs,
later on. And we’ll have our ham dinner, and probably an easter egg
hunt, tomorrow. We thought about going to New York to have dinner with
Sabrina’s aunt and uncle, but decided not to. That much travel for a
dinner tends to kill a holiday. It’s about 3 hours each way, and
Sabrina’s mother has to work on Monday, so we’d have to be back really
early sunday. We all thought it was better to just have Easter by

Posted in Life