Work work work

I’ve been busy the last couple weeks. The quarter end at Moore made for some long weeks. Last week I worked 50 hours, and the week before I worked 72. This week will be back to normal, relatively speaking. Apparently they’re not doing the A and B team anymore, but having a group of people there all week instead. So I may end up working 5 days/week rather than just 3. I don’t especially want to work 5 days/week, but we’ll see how it goes.

School is going fine, this is the last day of week 3. It’s hard to find time to do class stuff when work takes 10 hours/day, plus another hour travel. By the time we get home and have dinner I’m ready for bed. Last week I did it all on Sunday, and this week I did it all Saturday and Sunday. I had read ahead last week so I wouldn’t have to do as much but this time I had to do it all so it took longer. Hopefully I’ll work a little less this week and can do more during the week rather than having to do 3 classes worth of work all at once. It took most of my free weekend to do it all, so I didn’t get to do anything else. Not that I had any plans, but it would be nice to just relax for a bit.

We cheated on our diet and got pizza on thursday, so that was fun. At Moore they were giving pizza to everyone to celebrate the end of the quarterly stuff, so I was going to have pizza one way or another, so I waited until I got home and Sabrina and I went together. We also went to see Kill Bill. We both liked it, but it was certainly an odd movie. There will be a second one later finishing the story, so we’ll be looking forward to that.

Not much else new here. We’re still planning to go to Maine next month for a combination Thanksgiving and Christmas. We don’t want to go when there is snow, so we’re going early this year. It’ll be too bad to not go for Christmas, but at least it will be another visit. It wasn’t that long since we were there last, rather than waiting 6 months between visits.

Posted in Life