Back to Work

Time flies, seems like I just wrote in here, but I guess I didn’t. I’ve been working at Moore each weekend since I wrote last. Mostly I’ve been doing the manifesting, which is slightly more exciting than stuffing envelopes. We’re going back tomorrow (a day earlier for the week) because they called and asked us to come in. The 1st is also the beginning of the big quarter-end project with them, so after this we’ll probably be there every day for the next 2 weeks or so, if it’s anything like last time. Kelly hasn’t actually called to tell us what is going on with it, I think they think they already told us 🙂 Tomorrow won’t be the quarter-end stuff yet though, I think we’re just getting the other stuff done so they can concentrate on the quarter. It should be a long couple weeks between that and school, but that’s ok.

The next quarter for Strayer was supposed to start on the 22nd, but was delayed a week because of the hurricane. The school is in the middle of where it hit the hardest, so they waited a week to start classes so people could recover. I did all of the first week’s stuff then anyway, because I knew the quarter end stuff for Moore was coming and I don’t want to have to do all my school work and also work every day any more than I had to. I did all the reading for next week today too, so all I’ll have to do is watch the lectures and do homework. That’s a fair amount as it is, but not too bad. At least I can spread it out over the whole week instead of having to do it at specific times. I would have done more already, but the assignments aren’t posted in advance for any of the classes, so I can’t do it early. Oh well.

So far the classes seem ok. The C++ class I’m taking seems to have a nice professor, so that’s good. The networking class has a good one too. The business class is much more dry, there’s no discussion, just reading and lectures, then quizes to take on each week’s material. Very dull, but easy enough. The other two classes have more discussion involved, and feedback from the professors, which is nice. I’m not big on interaction in general, but it’s nice to have at least some feedback on what you are doing. I just wish the stuff was posted in advance so I could work ahead some. I know what the reading will be for all of them each week, but nothing else.

We went for a walk in Penwood State Park today. It took us almost 2 hours to walk around the main loop, but it was a nice day for it. We stopped here and there to take pictures and were generally strolling. Sabrina had the day off too so it was nice to do something before I was working non-stop for a couple weeks. We won’t see much of eachother until it’s over with both of us working different times. It was a good day for a walk, nice and cool and sunny. You can certainly tell that fall is coming. Some of the trees are changing here, but not many so far. We’ll have to go again when there’s more foliage to look at.

We went to the casino last weekend too, which was fun. We didn’t get back until almost 3am I think, after leaving around 7pm. We stopped for dinner on the way, then spent the rest of the night wandering around and playing slots and video poker. We had a good night again, after 2 big losing nights. We ended up with $3 more than we started with, so we were happy. Sometime we’ll have to stay for the night, but it’s pretty expensive. I’m not excited about spending $200 to stay there when it’s only an hour from home or so. It’ll still be fun sometime though, just for the experience of staying all night in a casino.

The only other thing new is that Sabrina got tickets to go see Barenaked Ladies at the Bushnell Theater in Hartford. That’ll be fun, I like the group alot, and didn’t realize they were even going on tour again. Sabrina had heard about it on the radio. The show is already sold-out, so we were lucky to get tickets. Sabrina bought them online about an hour and a half after they went on sale and within about an hour after that it was already almost impossible to get 2 tickets together. That’ll be November 13th, and we’ll probably head to Maine the next day for an early Thanksgiving. We want to avoid traffic and bad weather as much as possible, so we’re going early. It’ll be a big week for us 🙂

Posted in Life
One comment on “Back to Work
  1. Mama says:

    Any time you want to visit is fine with me. We can have a thanksgiving dinner–hopefully you won’t be sticking to Atkins for the holiday meal. I have given up of course, so dieting doesn’t apply to me at this point.