Work work work

I didn’t mention it yesterday, but Kelly called (yes, again) and wanted us to work at Moore today and tomorrow. So we got up bright and early and worked from 6:30am to 2:30pm today, and we’re going to work 7-3pm or so tomorrow. It’s easy money, so we don’t mind, even if it does mean waking up rather early. I didn’t get much sleep last night since I had to get up at 5, and hadn’t been really expecting to so I had slept late yesterday, and didn’t feel tired ’till after midnight. I’m getting tired now, so I’ll have to go to bed fairly soon so I’m awake for work tomorrow.

I can’t go to bed at the moment because we’re trying out the bread machine. We got some atkins friendly bread machine mix and wanted to try it out. We got three kinds, wheat, white, and rye. We’re doing the wheat tonight. I’ve never used a bread machine before, so it’s fun to try. I’ve had bread from bread machines before, but I wasn’t the one making it. When I lived in Ohio Debby had one and it comitted suicide. It was running and the vibrations made it walk over to the edge of the counter and fall off. It made quite a mess so they had to get a new one.

Sunday we’re planning to go to Boston. I have no idea what we’ll do there, but hopefully we can find something to do, and somewhere to eat that is diet-friendly. We weren’t doing atkins at all while we were there, so we didn’t look for anywhere to eat that worked with it at the time. It’s hard to eat out at most restaurants when you can’t have carbs or sugar. We’ve managed here ok, but I don’t know what to do there. I’m sure we’ll find something.

Posted in Life