Decided to start trying the

Decided to start trying the Atkins
diet today. Sabrina started a couple days ago, so we might as well do it
together. It takes around 3 days to purge your body of stored sugar and
carbs, and after that you should loose fairly quickly. It’s a tough
diet to stick with since there is so much that I like and can’t eat
with it, but I don’t plan on doing it as a way of life. I’ve been doing
slim-fast for a year now, and haven’t lost anything for the last 3
months. I had lost 47 pounds at my best, but am down to 41 pounds now.
I gained some back after going to St Paul, and haven’t gotten any of it
off since, and actually still gained a little back after that. I was
hoping switching diets would help start things up again, I only want to
loose around 15 more pounds. Even just another 10 would be ok, since
that was my original goal. I’d like the extra if I can though. If I do
manage to loose it, I doubt I’ll stick with atkins. I have managed to
eat fine with a relatively low-cal diet, and prefer that since I can
eat more of what I like. We’ll see how it goes though.

Sabrina and I went biking today. We were gone almost an hour, and
went just under 10 miles. It’s a fairly leisurely pace, but the
longest ride either of us has done since we started. We were taking our
time because neither of us has gone much lately. When I was doing my
job for Kelly Services I didn’t bike at all because I was gone all the
time and was really tired after I got back. I didn’t do much exercise
at all while I was doing the job, now I have to get back into it again.
And then I’ll probably stop again when we go to Maine at the end of the
month. Hopefully after that we get back we can get back to our diets
and exercise.

I wasn’t expecting the job to end so soon. We had been told it would
be 19 days, but we only ended up doing it for 9 days or something like
that. We put in quite a few hours, but it certainly wasn’t as much as
we expected. We were told on saturday to go home at noon, and not to
come in on sunday, but we’d be back monday. But then monday they called
and said tuesday, and tuesday they called and said we wouldn’t be back
at all. I’m not sure what the problem was, we had heard that they were
having alot of production problems and were really far behind, but
you’d think they would need people more after that, rather than less.
Oh well, we made some quick money and it was pretty stress free. I
don’t know if we’ll be asked to do it again next quarter or not. Since
it ended early we never got to talk about it with them.

Posted in Life