
It’s cold out there today, and going to be colder tonight. The wind chill is something like -15 here, which is cold enough, but I saw it was -30 or colder in Bangor, ME, so I’m glad I’m not still there. Of course, if you stay inside it isn’t nearly as bad, but even just going out to the car is hard to work up to.

The quarter is pretty much finished at work, I spent 7 or 8 days working second shift as a shift-lead so that was interesting. It went pretty well, and we got alot done. Second shift did much more than first shift, and third shift was as useless as always. We keep trying to convince them not to have one and the upper management keeps insisting on it. It’d be better to do 2 10 hour shifts instead of 3 of 8 hours. Maybe next quarter they’ll notice that nothing got done overnight this time, but I’m not holding my breath. That’s only true for fulfillment, post-production and printing should have a 3rd shift, but that’s just machine operation.

Since I was gone for a week I got behind on my other work doing postage reconciliation, but today I got caught up, so it didn’t take nearly as long as last time. Cindy had taken some home with her to do last weekend and that made a huge difference. I finished around noon and came home early so I could bring Sabrina to work. I stopped at the library on the way home too, but didn’t find anything good to read.

This is week 2 of my second semester at Strayer. I’m taking accounting, C++, and psychology. So far I think accounting is going to give the most trouble,. Some of the things that are done don’t make much sense to me at all, as far as what is considered a “debit” and what is a “credit.” I’ll figure it out I guess. The other classes should be ok. I almost messed up the first week of C++ because I wasn’t paying attention. The other classes have all had “week 1” “week 2” etc, and this one had “chapter 1” “chapter 2” etc, and so I had done “chapter 1” instead of both 1 and 2. I noticed at about 10:30pm sunday and had to do everything in an hour and a half. Luckily the assigment was easy so it didn’t take long. In the accounting class for some reason they couldn’t open my homework, I think i have a newer version of Office than they do and they couldn’t open the spreadsheet. I resubmitted it as an older version, but I don’t know if that worked better or not. I still got credit for the homework since it is just graded as either submitted or not, rather than a real grade, so good enough for now.

Which reminds me, I got all A’s last semester, yeehaw. I got a letter saying that I’m on the “president’s list” because of it. Oooh. Hopefully I can keep up the grades. It was a bad time for starting the class, since the first day of class was also the first day of the new quarter at Moore, so I was working 10-12 hour days for the whole week. I never got around to reading anything in advance either, so I had to do it all on Sunday. I’ve already started this week’s stuff a little bit, so I won’t be rushing at the end again, but I’ll still have alot to do on sunday.

I think that’s all that is new here. Maybe I’ll update again in less than a month this time 🙂

Posted in Life