A pretty slow day today.

A pretty slow day today. I bought some seeds to start a vegetable garden, as you may have seen on sabrina’s blog.
It’ll take quite a bit of work to get it going, since we’ll either have
to clear a big chunk of land, or make a raised garden. ‘m currently
planning an 8ft x 4ft plot. I’m going to put in cucumbers (potted, not
in the ground), radishes, a mesclun mix, and bibb lettuce. It’ll be
interesting to see how it goes, I’ve never tried to raise produce
before. We also seem to have a bunny living in the backyard, so it’ll
probably eat all my lettuce.

Clearing the land is going to be the hard part. If it is too
difficult, or the dirt isn’t rich enough, I’ll have to do the raised
garden. Either way we’ll have to buy a bunch of soil, and filling that
big a space is going to take alot of soil. I don’t know if we could
even put that much in the car in one trip. I think it could be fun
though, in a way. If everything grows well it’ll be nice having fresh
salad makings for the summer. It’ll be a month or two before anything
starts to be edible, but then the rest of the summer we can have stuff,
if I plant it right.

I also found a pretty good site
last night for learning various bits of web programming, such as html,
xml, vbscript, javascript, asp, etc. It’s hard to find sites that offer
lessons for free, that aren’t really poorly done. It’s even harder to
find one that has so many areas covered. I read through several of
them, and will keep it in mind for later reference. I’d like to learn
to do more with style sheets, and xml, but don’t really have any
usefull application in mind for it. Until I do, it’s hard to just read
through and get much out of it. I like to have a project to work on
while I learn, rather than just examples and lessons. It’s a worthwhile
site to look at for anyone interested in learning any kind of online

Posted in Life