New Blog Host

Well I switched hosting services for my blog. With all the blogging I do it is important to have a host you like, and I really was unimpressed with who we were using before. It was nice when it was a small company, but then it was bought by a bigger company and the service isn’t so great any more. I’m trying Dreamhost now and am hoping it will be better.

Other than that, there isn’t much new. I’m off of school for the summer, and will be back again at the end of September. So far I’ve kept my 4.0 average, so I’m happy. Classes will start to get a little more challenging now, but I’m not too worried.

I also applied for a new job at work, but won’t hear until the end of August if I got it or not. The people deciding are going on vacation then have a few other interviews to do when they are all back, so it’s a slow process.

That’s all for now.

Posted in Life