Well, it appears that I’m

Well, it appears that I’m going back to school. I applied to Strayer University,
and managed to pass their vigorous screening process. As far as I can
tell, if you graduated high school they’ll let you in. They offer a BS
in Computer Information Systems entirely online, and that’s what I’m
planning to do. I already sent in a FAFSA for financial aid starting in
the fall, and will take my first class starting early June. I’m paying
for that class without aid, so I can see if taking classes online works
for me. I would think that it would be fine, but I don’t want to commit
to a full schedule without trying it first. I should get some credit
for “life experience” and other classes I’ve taken before, and that’ll
make it a bit less than 4 years, but it’s still a lot of time and
money. Hopefully it’ll be an ok school, and the classes will be
interesting. The program actually looks slightly better than some of
the other online degree programs. It’s not as good as going to a brand
named school, but it’s a start. I can always transfer after a year or
two and go somewhere else.

I also applied for a job at Bertucci’s Brick Oven Pizzaria
for a job as a server. Supposedly they’ll call in a few days for an
interview. I’m not holding my breath, but who knows. It’d be a bit
weird for me to be a server, but I actually think I might like it ok.
It’s a nice restaurant, and the one I applied to seems nice enough.
We’ve eaten there a couple times now and the service has been really
good, and the staff seems to keep busy instead of standing around
talking to eachother, which is a bonus. And the food is really good
too. So as far as restaurants go, it seems like a good one to work at.

My garden is still going. The cucumbers are almost looking like
they’re going to do something soon, and of course the radishes are
huge. The mesclin mix is looking pretty good too. Some of it is almost
big enough to start picking and eating. It’s only another couple weeks
until it’ll be time to pick the radishes already, so that’s almost

Posted in Life