I started packing for the

I started packing for the trip to St. Paul today. We’re leaving
thursday evening sometime, and just driving 4 hours or so. The next two
days are 8-10 hours of driving/day. We’ve got our hotels reserved, and
got half off 4 of the 6 nights we’re gone because we have the Entertainment Book.
We were going to do the entertainment book for the other nights too,
but the hotel I had picked out said we couldn’t use it because they
only honor it on sundays, even though the book says it is valid
anytime. So we said nevermind and picked a different hotel completely.
Now we’re staying at the Holiday Inn in St. Paul, and Days Inn for the other nights., in Liverpool, NY and Elkhart, IN. The Holiday Inn is right next to River Center,
where Chris’ graduation is, so we can walk to it instead of trying to
drive around the city and park etc. That’s why we picked it.

My radishes are supposed to be done growing this Friday, so of
course I’ll be gone on the official harvest day. I took a look at them
today and I don’t think they’re going to be done growing yet, the
plants are huge, but the radishes themselves are pretty tiny still.
Hopefully when we come back they’ll be ready to eat. Some of the
mesclin mix could probably be eaten right now, but I’m not going to
pick any of it yet. It still has a long way to go before it finishes
growing. The bibb lettuce on the other hand, is not doing so well.
There are a few plants that are looking ok, but half of them are really
tiny and clearly not going to grow well, if at all. They’re just tiny
splotches in the dirt. Oh well. I’m not sure about the cucumbers
either. The plants are there, but they’re hardly growing at all.
There’s no sign of vine or fruit at all so far, and it’s half way to
harvest. If something doesn’t happen soon I’m going to have to give up
on them. Overall something of a mediocre experience with the garden,
but that’s ok. Not bad for a first attempt.

Posted in Life