We’ll be leaving in a

We’ll be leaving in a few hours to go to MN. I think I’ve got
everything packed and ready to go. Sabrina had to go to a conference
for work and should be back fairly soon, and then we’ll leave sometime
after that. I packed up her father’s laptop and we’re going to bring
that with us too. I thought there would be a phone cord with it
already, and so did her father, but it wasn’t there so we had to dig
around for one. We’ve got them all over the place when we don’t want
one, and couldn’t find one at all today. I finally just took it from
the back of my computer. I don’t need it since we have the highspeed
accesss now.

We had a huge storm yesterday, almost 4 inches of rain in an hour,
and a lot of thunder and lightning and even some hail. The roads around
town were flooded and cars were stuck and everything. I think it
might’ve killed some of the stuff in the garden, but I’m not sure. It
isn’t looking so good, but once it dries out and has some sun it might
be ok. The raddish seems ok, but the lettuce is pretty flattened. We’ll
see when we get back if it recovers.

Posted in Life