School Book Day

I got one of my books for my fall classes at Strayer today. I ordered two from Strayer’s online bookstore, and am getting the other one from Amazon. Amazon didn’t have the other 2 or I would’ve gotten all 3 from them. One of the two I got from the bookstore was backordered and shipped today (For my Networking class) and the one for my Business class came today. So one came today, one shipped today, and one was ordered today. Pretty weird coincidence. The business book seems to cover quite a bit of stuff. I haven’t read any of it yet, but I looked through the table of contents and flipped through a bit. It seems like it’ll be ok, but it’ll take some getting used to to be taking a class again. The database class I’m taking now doesn’t really count since it is stuff I already know for the most part, taking something new will be much harder.

We went to the new 99 Restaurant that opened in Avon today. We were pretty much the first people there, so that was sorta fun. I assume other people had been there throughout the day since they opened at 11:30am and we ate at 4:30, but we seemed to be the only ones there when we went in. It filled in some right after we got there, but at first it was just us. The food was as good as we were used to, and the service was good, so they were off to a good start. I’m pretty sure they’ll do well where they are, and we’ll certainly go back again.

Posted in Life