Kelly, Take 2

Well, I went to Kelly to take my evaluation exams for MS Office applications today. They went pretty well, about what I expected. Actually, they were easier than I thought they would be. I think the scoring had 3 levels (that’s what I was told anyway), which go from basic, to proficient, to expert. I had been told that it was hard to get the expert rating because some of the stuff is either obscure, or had to be done the way they want, rather than the way people know how to do it.

For Office exams, they rate on office 97 and also Office 2000. I scored Proficient on both Powerpoint exams, and Expert for all the Excel and Word exams. I also took the Access exam, but that seemed to be scored differently, or I read what the person wrote down wrong. I got “ME” and have no idea what that means, but I only missed 1 question out of 25, so I assume it is some form of Expert. I also took 3 exams on data entry. The first was entering data that was incorrectly formatted, and making it correct in the entry, according to the specifications given. I got Expert on that too, as well as the regular data entry (alphanumeric). I only scored Proficient on the numeric (10-key) exam, but that’s pretty good considering I rarely have to do it.

In other Kelly news, almost as soon as I walked through the door coming home from taking my evaluations, a different Kelly office called and offered a very short term job for Moore Printing again. This one is just one friday/saturday, and the following 3 saturdays in september. So I’ll do that, it’s pretty much just stuffing envelopes. I sorta liked working at Moore when we did over the summer, its a very low stress job, and somewhat entertaining to do. Once that is over, it’ll be time for the quarterly big job for Moore, so I’ll probably be doing that too. Sabrina’s father will be doing all the Moore stuff too, so we can go together.

About half an hour after that job, they called again with a different job. This one is just 7 days (this thursday and friday, then the following monday-friday), at TransAmerica. It’s a pretty easy job too, just making copies of files all day. It’s alot of copying, but after working at Kinko’s for year, I’m pretty sure I can manage 🙂 There were 2 openings for that and I got first dibs on it, so that was nice.

After all that, I went for a bike ride, for the first time in almost 2 weeks. It was a really good ride, my highest average speed so far. I was surprised after not doing it for so long. It was a really nice day and I was glad I got to go again. When I got home, I found out that Kelly had called AGAIN, but this time for Sabrina’s father, offering him the second position at TransAmerica. They could’ve saved time and effort by just asking when they talked to me the first time 🙂 But that’s ok. So we’ll both be doing that one too. It’ll be slightly inconvenient for transportation, but not too bad. It just makes alot of people dropping eachother off and picking them up. It’s actually better for both of us to be doing it than just one of us, as far as rides go.

Posted in Life