No surprise from Kelly

Well, I went to Kelly today to do paperwork for the job I thought I was going to be doing for them, and found out that I couldn’t do it. The company is located at the airport and security is really tight there. They are insisting that anyone that works for them has their own transportation because they can’t have people waiting around the building for rides. And since I have no car and would be getting a ride every day, that means I couldn’t do it. Oh well, something else will come up.

Monday I’m going to go back to Kelly and take some skill tests for Microsoft Office, and data entry, and stuff like that. Once that is on file I can be considered for more jobs, and better paying jobs, so that’ll be good. I’m pretty sure I can get at least mid-level competence on all the office applications, and possibly expert on a few of them. We’ll see how the exams go. I don’t know exactly what they cover or anything so it’s hard to say for sure. I’m taking my class in Access, and have gone through the whole text book, so I should do pretty well on that, and I’m pretty good with Word too. I’m not as good at advanced Excel or Powerpoint, but not bad either.

Posted in Life
2 comments on “No surprise from Kelly
  1. Aunt Mary says:

    Dear Jesse,
    I hope you had a nice birthday. I’m sorry you didn’t get the job but I know someone will snap you up when they learn of all your skills on the computer. I am able to get your blog but I’m stiil not able to read all of Sabrina’s blog. I am only getting pieces of sentences and I don’t know why.

  2. Jesse says:

    Hi Mary,
    I’m glad you got to look at the new site. Hopefully Sabrina’s will work again for you, she made some changes to it that should fix it. Neither of us use Internet Explorer, and hadn’t checked to see if the sites worked in them or not, so we hadn’t realized how messed up it looked. It was fine in Mozilla. I think both work ok now though.