Happy Birthday To Me

Today’s my birthday. We’re going out for dinner, but otherwise don’t have any plans. Sabrina is working until 4:30, and we’ll probably go to Outback for dinner when she gets home. Too bad we’re still on the atkin’s diet, we can’t get a big appetizer and dessert, but that’s ok, the food is good.

In other news, I may have a long-term job through Kelly Services. They called today and had a position at Allstate that could last a year or more. It seems like it’ll be fairly easy, it’s at one of their warehouse fascilities apparently, going through boxes of files and finding out what is being kept and what isn’t, and entering the current stuff into the computer. I’ll find out in the morning more details about it, assuming that I do get the job. It’s fairly likely I will, but you never know with Kelly, sometimes things change day to day.

The only other news is that I finally got a CT driver’s license. The picture came out really good for a change. It didn’t take long either, which is always a nice surprise from the DMV. My old one was still from WI, and expired on my birthday, so I had to get a new one. It’s good for 7 years, so hopefully I won’t have to do it again any time soon.

Posted in Events, Life