Blog Archives

Possible plans for PA

See it here! Created via the spiffy site: Batch Geocode

Posted in Events

Big Date

We went to Mohegan Sun to see Richard Jeni perform, which was a really good show. We’ve seen him on TV a few times and liked him, and since he was going to be nearby we decided to go. We

Posted in Events

Happy Birthday To Me

Today’s my birthday. We’re going out for dinner, but otherwise don’t have any plans. Sabrina is working until 4:30, and we’ll probably go to Outback for dinner when she gets home. Too bad we’re still on the atkin’s diet, we

Posted in Events, Life

And now for the News

We’re back from our trip to Maine, and have been for a little while now. We had a good time. We didn’t leave CT until almost 2pm, so we got a pretty late start. We stopped a couple times, but

Posted in Events, Life

It’s a neeeeew bloooooog

The who what where and why of a new website location.

Posted in Events