Quarterly Update

Well it’s time for another quarter end at Moore, and another quarter beginning at Strayer. I’m not running a shift this time at Moore, instead I’m going to be at my usual job and also entering information about how much quarterly stuff has been completed so that it can be reported to one of the clients. They want daily updates on how much has been sent so they know it has all gone on time. A couple people at Moore developed a database to track it all, rather than doing it on paper as they had been in the past, so that will make things much easier. It’s almost too bad that I’m doing doing the quarterly shift this time, since it is good money, but at the same time I don’t feel like spending the time involved to do it. With another quarter starting for school I have enough to do without working 80 hours/week on top of it, 40 is plenty.

School is going well, I got all A’s again last quarter. I wasn’t sure if I would do well on the final for the programming class, the questions weren’t really like what we had done in class. It wasn’t programming, but planning, and we hadn’t really done much with it. I apparently did fine though, I got 35/35 on the final, and an A in the class. Overall the classes were good. Accounting was harder than I would have thought it would be. There were a couple concepts that I didn’t really completely understand, which hurt my exam grades, but I still did fine, I think I averaged 95 or so in the class. The other class was psychology, which was ok. I didn’t especially like the text, but the information was generally interesting. I did learn a few things, which is always good. There was a lot of biology information in it, focusing on that aspect of why people behave as they do. I thought the book focused too much on the biology, but that’s ok.

This quarter I’m taking the last C++ class, learning about the more advanced aspects of object oriented programming. I’m looking forward to it for the most part, it’s stuff I’ve wanted to know about for a long time. I’m not sure that the book is going to explain it especially clearly, but we’ll see. I’m also taking the first english and humanities classes that I have to take. The english class is going to be pretty boring, learning about sentence structure and stuff like that. There’ s a whole chapter on the comma. Exciting stuff. The humanities class will be a little more interesting, and probably the one I’ll have to focus on the most. There’s a lot of discussion involved, and it will be hard to find the time to do it in a timely manner. I usually do everything on the weekends, but the way we have to do the discussion means I have to post much earlier so that I can get responses to what I have said, so I can’t wait until I have time on the weekened to do it. As long as I do the reading early I’ll be ok I think, but it’s hard to be interested in working on it when I get home late from work. The class covers a long period of time and all over the world, talking mostly about the art of each period.

The english class also requires writing journal entries, so I think I’ll post them on here. It’ll give me something to put up, and I can work on it from anywhere if they are on here. This week we’re supposed to do 3, and I assume that will be true every week. I should have done them much earlier, now I have to do 3 today, which probably isn’t really the point, but that’s ok, I haven’t had time until now to do it. I still don’t know what I’m going to write about, but I’m sure I’ll come up with something. I still have to do a short thing (3 paragraphs) about “why the humanities” for, surprisingly enough, the humanities class, which I’ll also post on here.

I don’t think there’s much else new here. Work is basically the same, with a few additional duties than I had last time I wrote. I can pretty much fill 40 hours/week now, rather than splitting the time between the office and fulfillment, so that’s good. Supposedly they may try to reduce the number of temps and hire some of them in-house, so that would be good, as long as I’m one of the ones kept. 🙂 I’m sure I would be, they can’t eliminate my position unless something else changes, so my job is safe. We went to Maine a couple times since I wrote last, but Sabrina talked about that on her blog.

I guess I’ll try to work on my school stuff.

Posted in Life